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  • Our Papaya Face Soap is a natural and refreshing way to cleanse and rejuvenate your skin. Papaya is known for its many benefits for the face, including its ability to gently exfoliate and brighten the skin. This soap is rich in vitamins A and C, which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while promoting a youthful glow. It also contains antioxidants that help to protect your skin from damage caused by environmental factors. With regular use, our Papaya Face Soap will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth with a healthy, radiant complexion.

    Savon Visage Papaye

    SKU : 2022-2003

    Ingrédients :  Olivate de sodium (huile d'olive), Agua (eau), huile de Cocos Nucifera (noix de coco), huile d'Oryza sativa (germe de riz), beurre de Butyrospermum Parkii (karité), huile de graines de Ricinus Communis (ricin), extrait de fruit de papaye Carica, glutathion liposomal, Acétate de tocophérol (vitamine E), acide ascorbique (vitamine C), lactate de sodium

    (Les ingrédients proviennent de produits issus de sources durables, sans OGM et biologiques.)

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